Tuesday, June 24, 2008

is this what We need?

ini yang bangsa Indonesia butuhkan?

Mahasiswa Bakar Mobil
Selasa, 24 Juni 2008 | 18:09 WIB

JAKARTA, SELASA - Membakar ban di tengah jalan Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (24/6) rupanya belum cukup membuat mahasiswa yang melakukan aksi di depan Kampus Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya puas. Setelah menutup jalur cepat ruas Jalan Sudirman, para mahasiswa menyandera sebuah mobil plat merah.

Saat melintasi Jalan Sudirman, mahasiswa menahan mobil Toyota Avanza dengan nomor polisi B 1019 BQ tersebut, menurunkan pengemudinya dan mengamankannya merapat ke Kampus Atma Jaya. Tak puas menyandera mobil tersebut, para mahasiswa lalu menggulingkan mobil tersebut sambil menghancurkan kaca dan badan mobil tersebut menggunakan kayu dan batu.

Sebagian massa berteriak menyuruh rekan-rekannya membakar mobil tersebut. Mobil pun tersulut api. Aksi massa ini membuat warga maupun mahasiswa lainnya panik dan berhamburan lari menjauhi mobil tersebut karena takut meledak.

ini.....yang disebut mahasiswa....?
MAHA-siswa kok pikirannya sama PREMAN yah...?

are you use your brain?
are they thinking....? I don't think so.....

Friday, June 20, 2008

.........I'm stuck !!!!

aku rindu hari-hari di kelas...
aku rindu hari-hari membaca tiap lembar buku refernesi untuk mengerjakan tugas...
aku rindu membuat presentasi tugas...
aku rindu rasanya berpikir dan menganalisa hasil...

aaaagggghhhh....I hate being stuck !!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I am a

Social Realist (SR)

Social RealistSocial Realists are popular persons full of energy. They are reliable, well organized and helpful. Traditional values are important to them. Founding a family also plays a central role in their life. Social Realists have a marked social streak. They are always ready to listen to the worries and problems of others and spare no effort when they are asked for help. With empathy and understanding, they can sense what other people need. Social Realists are always willing to highly regard the strong points of the other person and to excuse that person’s weaknesses. They are the most sociable of all personality types. Social contacts are very important to them.

Social Realists find it very difficult to cope with conflicts and criticism - harmony is their elixir of life. Acknowledgement and esteem are very important to this type. Differentiation on the other hand is not necessarily one of their strong points. At work and in partnerships, they are loyal, committed and always there when needed. They find it easy to make friends due to their open, warm manner and they have a large circle of friends. In love, they are faithful and attentive and care for their partners with a great deal of imagination and sensitivity. Social Realists show their feelings openly and honestly. Should a relationship break up, they tend to blame themselves. That is why they find it very difficult to end a partnership even if it has not fulfilled their requirements for some time.

Social Realists are more conservative types. They have a set system of values and rules which is orientated to the prevailing traditions. They prefer clear, structured surroundings and work processes; they find too much change und unrest unpleasant. Their strong points are carefulness and reliability and not so much flexibility and spontaneity. Social Realists are open-minded towards anything new only to a limited extent. But, should one be looking for someone to fulfil a task reliably and exactly, they are the right persons.

(Just visiting? Take the free test and determine your personality type!)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

club 26

Selamat ulang Tahun, saya....

26 tahun.....maka inilah tahun pertama kuartal kedua hidup gwe....tersimpan kebahagiaan bersalut haru di hari lahir ini...setelah 26 tahun....

Sempat berpikir panjang saat tanggal berganti menjadi 9 Juni. Gwe 26 dan semakin berkurang lah umur ini, berkuranglah panjang durasi hidup ini. Gwe merasa bahwa semakin sedikit waktu untuk menjadi khalifah di muka bumi. Rasanya malam itu ingin tetap terjaga, tetapi bisa berpikir, tetap bisa menciptakan sesuatu tanpa harus berganti menit, jam dan hari. Rasanya malam itu ingin kembali duduk di depan komputer lab, menyelesaikan runningan yang tak kunjung benar....dan menyadari bahwa di usia yang semakin pendek ini...masih banyak gairah dan semangat yang belum tersalurkan.I love this feeling and spirit.....

Gwe bersyukur, untuk semua yang telah diberikan, dititipkan Allah ke gwe. Gwe bersyukur untuk setiap momen, memori dan pengalaman dalam hidup gwe. Gwe bersyukur atas 25 tahun hidup yang telah gwe lewati dan kesempatan melanjutkan hidup hingga detik ini.

Sepertinya malam itu Viva La Vida milik Coldplay bersenandung untuk gwe

I used to rule the world ,seas would rise when I gave the word

Tiba-tiba gwe jadi mengerti kenapa Chairil Anwar menulis

aku ingin hidup 1000 tahun lagi....

Gwe bukan apa-apa tanpa apa yang sudah Gwe dapatkan dan lewati....I deeply thank to GOD, dan yang belum gwe dapatkan...adalah bagian dari mimpi yang sudah gwe gantung tinggi di langit dan sudah gwe biarkan Tuhan memeluknya untuk gwe (Andrea Hirata, Sang Pemimpi).

Gwe berterimakasih untuk semua doa yang dikirimkan pada hari jadi kali ini. Tuhan, perkenankankah doa baik ini.

Dan seluruh kasih sayang, pertemanan, pemikiran serta perdebatan yang acapkali muncul dan kian mendewasakan gwe.

And then…keep rockin’ and WELCOME to TUENTISIXCLUB!!!